Live Surgery Training Course for Gender Affirmation Procedures on April 26-28, 2018

From April 26-28, 2018, Dr. Marci Bowers attended the Live Surgery Training Course for Gender Affirmation Procedures at Mount Sinai in New York where she performed the first live Vaginoplasty for the participants. This course was organized by Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York and the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH).

This comprehensive three-day course featured live surgical procedures including breast augmentation, facial feminization, metoidioplasty, top surgery, tracheal shave, and vaginal procedures. The program also included moderated video sessions, expert panel discussions and didactic sessions. This course was CME-accredited and had an attendance of over 200 surgeons, surgical residents, surgical fellows, and peri- and post-operative providers. These providers came from many specialties including urology, plastic surgery, and gynecology.

This was a first of its kind opportunity to meet and mingle with health care professionals coming together from primary care, surgery, endocrinology, behavioral health and social work to focus on improving the quality of care to our transgender patients.