Procedure & Results

The Clitoral Restoration Surgery itself is nearly always, to some degree, successful with the majority of women glad to have undergone the procedure. When Dr. Foldes, the procedure’s inventor, published his data in The Lancet, skeptics emerged, astoundingly. British Gynecologists, these critics actually denounced his technique as theoretically impossible—without witnessing the procedure or bothering to ask the women themselves. The fact is, if you listen to the account of even one woman reporting her awakened sensation and experiencing orgasm for the very fist time in her life after FGM reversal, science is no longer necessary. In my experience of more than 100 surgical reversals, we 100% always find the clitoris. The clitoris is much larger than reported. Fact is, the FGM procedure itself removes only a tiny portion of the clitoris—the Clitoral Restoration Surgery simply uncovers what is remaining. Literally, removal of the tip of the iceberg does not rid the iceberg itself. We ALWAYS find the clitoris during reversal procedures. Exposing it and securing the clitoral body to the skin surface is the delicate and slightly complicated aspect of the procedure. If these same gynecologists honestly cared for these women or were genuinely concerned, they would set about learning the procedure and implementing incremental improvements in surgical technique.


The following gallery contains material pertaining to genital surgery. The material is presented for prospective candidates for such procedures and interested professionals, and may be objectionable to some individuals.

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